Our family owned honey farm is located in Brandenbourg, a small picturesque town in the north of Luxembourg which is part of the Parc Naturel de l’Our. Its deep valleys and vast forests put us in a good position to provide you with high quality bee products, ranging from different flavours of honey to more specialised goods like Pollen, Propolis and Beeswax Candles all of which are produced in house.
We take care of over 250 bee colonies, spread over 25 locations in and around the Parc Naturel de l’Our. Combined with over 400 smaller colonies at the breeding station we get to over 15 million bees.
Breeding our own queens gave us the possibility to make our honeybees vital, healthy and resistant to the Varroa mite. We are actually one of the first honey farms in Europe that doesn’t need to do any treatment against the Varroa mites. This improves the overall wellbeing of our bees as these treatments tend to be very stressful for the colonies.
Eise klenge Betrib läit am Zentrum vu Branebuerg. Duerch d‘ Lag matzen am Duerf si mir no bäi eise Clienten an als Betrib siichtbar.
Mir betreien iwwert 250 Beievëlker verdeelt op 25 Platzen, déi meescht dovun am Naturpark Our. Zesumme mat de 400 Vëlker ob eiser Zuuchtstatioun ginn dat am Summer iwwert 15 Millioune Beien.
All d‘ Produkter gi bei eis zu Branebuerg verschafft an direkt un de Client verkaaft. Sou séchere mir d‘ Qualitéit an halen den Ökolgeschen Foussofdrock sou kleng wei méiglech.
Puer wichteg Punkten an deem Zesummenhang:
-Duerch Zuucht a korrekt Auslies vun eisen eegene Kinniginnen sinn eis Beien sou gesond a vital dat mer op all Behandlung verzichte kënnen. Dëst gëllt virun allem fir déi Intensiv Behandlung géint d’Varroa Milben déi bis haut a villen aneren Imkereien néideg ass.
-Glieser déi der bäi eis kaaft kënnt der propper an ouni Etikett zréck bréngen, mir benotzen se gäre weider.